Basketball - 2013 Season Archives
- Basketball Playoff Brackets: (Boys) 5B I 6BD1 I 6BD2
- Basketball Playoff Brackets: (Boys) 7BD1 I 7BD2
- Basketball Playoff Brackets: (Boys) 8BD1 I 8BD2 I VBD3
- Basketball Playoff Brackets: (Girls) 5G I 6GD1 I 6GD2
- Basketball Playoff Brackets: (Girls) 7GD1 I 7GD2
- Basketball Playoff Brackets: (Girls) 8GD1 I 8GD2 I VGD3
- Basketball Playoff Brackets updated through March 12, 2013
- DPL Basketball Playoff Photos are posted (8 games).
- DPL Basketball Week 6 - Playoff Photos are posted.
- DPL Basketball Weeks 1 - 5 Photos are posted.
- Basketball Schedules/ Results: (Boys) 5B I 6BD1 I 6BD2
- Basketball Schedules/ Results: (Boys) 7BD1 I 7BD2 East I 7BD2 West
- Basketball Schedules/ Results: (Boys) 8BD1 I 8BD2 East I 8BD2 West
- Basketball Schedules/ Results: (Boys) VBD3 East I VBD3 West
- Basketball Schedules/ Results: (Girls) 5G I 6GD1 I 6GD2 I 7GD1 I 7GD2
- Basketball Schedules/ Results: (Girls) 8GD1 I 8GD2 I VGD3
- Basketball Schedules/ Results updated through February 25, 2013
- Basketball Standings: (Boys) 5B I 6BD1 I 6BD2
- Basketball Standings: (Boys) 7BD1 I 7BD2 East I 7BD2 West
- Basketball Standings: (Boys) 8BD1 I 8BD2 East I 8BD2 West
- Basketball Standings: (Boys) VBD3 East I VBD3 West
- Basketball Standings: (Girls) 5G I 6GD1 I 6GD2 I 7GD1 I 7GD2
- Basketball Standings: (Girls) 8GD1 I 8GD2 I VGD3
- Basketball Standings updated through February 19, 2013
- St Augustine Parking - Parking at St. Augustine for all DPL events is at the back parking lot near the football field.
- All Saints CHURCH Gym - MAP
1. All games this year are at the All Saints CHURCH gym on Arapaho Rd and
Meadowcreek Dr in Dallas. The address is 5231 Meadowcreek Dr, Dallas. However it is better for basketball to enter through the Arapaho parking lot.
2. We just had the CHURCH gym re-finished. ONLYV Water will be allowed in the gym. No other liquids will be allowed. - St Bernard - All visitors must enter from the back of the school at San Saba street. St Bernard school map.
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